TermoRens has for many years exported its products to Arab countries and has, among other things. the world’s largest oil company, Aramco, as customers.

Termorens is delivered in large quantities to EPTS (see link on the front page) and shipping is expensive. EPTS has therefore entered into a license agreement with TermoRens to produce in Saudi. This also gives the products an advantage in the market down there as they prioritize products that are produced in their own country.

EPTS has gone to the purchase of modern bottling equipment, tanks and everything that is needed and is ready for production of Termorens from the autumn.


Our team will get in touch as soon as possible to discuss your needs.

Thore Andreassen
Thore AndreassenCEO
Bjørg Helene Andreassen
Bjørg Helene AndreassenCFO